Nottingham’s Links to Slavery in Jamaica: Robert Smith, Lord Carrington

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About these Resources

This pack contains information and excerpts on the work of Robert Smith, Lord Carrington – a Nottingham banker and slave-owner.

The information should be used after teaching on the core History session(s) have commenced and/or are completed.

In this page, you will find activities that explore the wider geographic links between Great Britain and Jamaica, focused on its place-names, teachers’ notes on the history of Jamaica and on Robert Smith, and an activity for the Place-Names, which contains a PowerPoint presentation and instructions. You will need to print out slides 8-10 as classroom handouts (and you can print the other slides if you think that is appropriate, e.g. slide 1 and slide 5).

Map of Jamaica

Below you can download resources and information related to Lord Carrington.

Note: that these resources are intended to be used alongside other resources found in this section.

Due to the sensitive nature of this topic and racially-sensitive terminologies contained in some of the quotations, teachers should exercise caution when relaying this information to students. Care has been taken to include only those which are necessary for the purpose of explaining slavery and race’. Please refer to the glossary for an explanation of these. For a version that contains all terms, which includes the most sensitive, these can be requested by email from our learning & education team at

Many thanks to the University of Nottingham for access to these resources.

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